Ni petikan dr TKD Times...korang baca la dulu ..aku komen kt bawah sekali.
" By ERIC TALMADGE, Associated Press
BEIJING (AP)—A Cuban taekwondo athlete and his coach were banned for life after Angel Matos kicked the referee in the face following his bronze-medal match disqualification.
Cuban coach Leudis Gonzalez offered no apology for Matos’ actions during the men’s over-80 kg (176 pounds) match.
Matos was winning 3-2, with 1:02 in the second round, when he fell to the mat after being hit by his opponent, Kazakhstan’s Arman Chilmanov. He was sitting there, awaiting medical attention, when he was disqualified for taking too much injury time. Fighters get one minute, and Matos was disqualified when his time ran out.
Matos angrily questioned the call, pushed a judge, then pushed and kicked referee Chakir Chelbat of Sweden. Matos then spat on the floor and was escorted out.
“He was too strict,” Gonzalez said, referring to the decision to disqualify Matos. Afterward, he charged the match was fixed, accusing the Kazakhs of offering him money.
“This is a strong violation of the spirit of taekwondo and the Olympic Games. The sanctions are the following and are effective immediately: Lifetime ban of the coach and athlete in all championships sanctioned by the (World Taekwondo Federation) and at the same time, all records of this athlete at the Beijing Games will immediately be erased,” said the announcer, reading a WTF release.
In his first match, Matos defeated Italy’s Leonardo Basile, then beat China’s Liu Xiaobo 2-1 in the quarterfinals. But he lost to South Korean Cha Dong-min in the semis to land in the bronze-medal match.
“To me it was obvious he was unable to continue,” Chilmanov said. “His toe on his left foot was broken.”
Matos won the gold medal in this division at the 2000 Sydney Games, dedicating the victory to his mother, who died on the day of the opening ceremony. At the 2004 Athens Games, he finished 11th.
Matos’ tantrum followed a day of confusion on the mats.
Earlier Saturday, China’s double gold medalist Chen Zhong crashed out in the quarterfinals after initially being declared the winner. It was the first time a match result had been overturned since taekwondo became an official Olympic sport in 1990."
Olimpik dah kt sebulan abis ..aku malas nk komen masa awal2 dulu...biarla ...issue tgh panas . Semua dok cakap psl issue ni. Klau aku komen pun x der saper nk baca. Skrg dah sejuk sikit ader la sikit minat org nak baca balik issue ni kan?
So...nak kater aper? Bagi aku clearly Cuban tu x sekolah punyer orang ...x der semngat kesukanan ..x der langsung semangat TKD..x der langsung etika....x der langsung respect ... dan clearly dia ni dpt instructor yg x tahu ngajar etika dan falsafah seni TKD!
Tu sebab aku x SETUJU sgt Taekwondo ni diajar/dianggap sebgai satu SUKAN. Taekwon do bg aku lebih dari tu ....TKD ni SENI Mempertahan kan diri. Kalau seni dia ader falsafah, etika, rukun2 yg perlu diikut dan yg paling penting dia ader tatasusila yg mesti diikut. Cuba tgk seni2 lain..seni Silat, Wushu, Kung Fu even Muay Thai pun dia ader tatasusila dan etika yg semua student dan penganut2 nyer ikut. UFC dan K-1 fighter pun x der yg belasah pengadil.
Tapi cuba tgk berapa ramai yg gaduh masa lawan bola, masa lawan hoki dan mcm2 lg la. ..terlanggar bahu sikit boleh gaduh..terpijak kaki sikit boleh gaduh. Tapi dlm Taekwondo ..tersepak muka pun kita boleh salam. Kenapa? Coz dlm Taekwondo kiter respect lawan kiter...kita hormat jurulatih dan pengadil kiter dan kita ader etika yg perlu diikut. Bukan main hentam jer. Tapi x dinafikan la ..ader gak student2 yg x beretika ....dan jurulatih yg x beretika pun ader...bukan x der. Tp tu aku kira isolated case la.
Tapi klau dah diajar sebg SUKAN ...mana pegi nyer etika dan falsafah dan respect ni. Ader ke sebelum main bola ramai2 baca ikrar? Dgr lagu kebangsaan ader la ..tu pun perlawnan antarabangsa jer la. Tp dlm TKD? ..hari2 before start latihan kita kena baca ikrar. Aku x der la cakap sukan lain x der respect...aku pun main bola gak..main futsal gak ...dan biasa tgk geng2 futsal ni gaduh ..(aku tgk jer la ..geram nk join gak kekadang tp aku ader etika kn so simpan jer la niat jahat tu ..hu..hu..) . Respect tu plak maybe ader la tp respect sbg jurulatih biasa jer la...x der bonding mcm instructor TKD.
OK la ...kepada semua jurulatih2 kt luar tu ..fikir2 kn la ader x kita ajar etika ke bebudak kiter? Atau kiter sendiri yg x beretika???
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